Need Help?

If you have an issue or question that requires immediate assistance, you can click the button below to chat live with a Customer Service representative.

Please allow 6 - 12 business days from the time your package arrives back to us for a refund to be issued.

Shopping Information

1. How much is shipping and how long will it take?

Shipping is free from GBP30, to know exactly how much your shipping will be you can use the estimator tool in your cart.

On average it takes around 6-8 days by the time your parcel arrives as we work with a small team who have to pack everything by hand.

Around holidays and other occasions it may take longer, if so we will keep you informed via email and possibly offer compensation.

2. Can I cancel/change my order?

If this is the case, we ask you to email us as soon as possible. Once your order is fulfilled we unfortunately cannot reverse this process.

3. How do returns work?

If your package arrives broken or you receive the wrong size we will send you a replacement free of charge.

If you want to return your package, you can do so within 14 days without reason. The shipping costs to us are at your own expense. Sometimes we can also offer a partial refund if you are not satisfied.

To return a parcel, please contact us by e-mail and read our policy and guide first.

4. What happens if it says my package has been delivered but it hasn't?

We recommend you contact the supplier and make a claim. Unfortunately, we are not responsible for this and cannot do anything about it. All our parcels are sent safely and well-packaged to avoid this.

Payment Information

1. Are payments secure?

Yes, all payments are handled through Stripe. We do not store and cannot see your payment details.

2. I paid twice by mistake, now what?

Email us as soon as possible! We will cancel the 2nd payment for you, this may take a few days before it is back in your account.